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Blog Post #9: Chapter 10

After reading chapter 10 of the Bedford Book of Genres, I feel that I now have a better understanding of the multigenre project. Before, I was confused as to how to connect all of them together. Am I just using multiple genres in order to advertise something? Are all of the genres supposed to be connected in some way? In my case, yes to both of these. I want my multigenre project to be about my personal YouTube channel, and why any individual person should join that community. As for the other question, the book actually goes into detail about this. Although it is not stated directly, it does give advice on how to use multiple genres in a specific order to maximize the effect on a person. For me, I would probably start my project by using an informative genre, such as an interview or biography. This is because I want everyone seeing these “advertisements” to understand exactly what it is I’m advertising, and they’ll be more willing to join my community. I think my second genre would be a Facebook page for my YouTube channel, so that not only is there information about it in word form, but pictures and other things can also be included. This type of genre (social media) also gives off the feeling that the person/channel is social with the outside world. My final genre would be something like a video advertisement that is almost entirely visual. As explained in the chapter, having different modes/medias in the project is good because it allows for your audience to connect with your message in different ways.

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